Nu Qunnamaa  :-022-110-0511                   

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Provide pre-service and on-the-job training using advanced training methods, fill judicial bodies with highly qualified and ethical professionals, conduct problem-solving research and studies using legal research methods and others, and provide voluntary legal advisory services continuously contribute to the improvement of the justice and legal system in the region.


By 2022, it will become a center of legal professional competence through training, research and legal advice.

Core Values ​​(Core Values)

 Excellence
 Innovetveness
 Professionalism
 Customer centeric
 Transparency
 Accessibility

Nu Qunnamaa

  • Bilbila:- 022-110-0511

  • Faxii-:022-111-0902/022-112-37-44

  • PO Box:1238, Adama



Miidiyaa Hawaasaa


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